Many of us avoid change in our lives because we believe that it requires so much of us. We would really like to become what we’ve dreamed of but we tell ourselves we can’t spare the time or energy. But consider this possibility. Would you make a change if you knew that it required just a simple change in your language?
For example, in a visit with a young man the other day, I learned that his goal for this year is to be less angry. “What would less angry be like for you?”I asked and he explained that he would become more thoughtful and respond rather than react to situations that seemed to “cause” his anger.
“Would you be willing to take part in an experiment ?”, I asked. “Would you be willing to replace the idea of “less angry” with “thoughtful and responsive” each time you thought or talked about this goal for the next week?”
He agreed to this experiment. One week later he reported a significant change in his experience at home and at his job. He had not found very little to be angry about. He had felt much more productive and satisfied with at his job. And his time with family had been calm and enjoyable.
This is a simple example of learning a new language. No it is not a Rosetta stone version. However, it would be a great idea! The language that most of us have been speaking since being small children is the Language of Limitation! In speaking it daily we remind ourselves of our weaknesses, inabilities and insecurities. In speaking the Language of Limitation we insure that we will not be able to rise above the cycles of frustration, disappointment, and feeling of being not important.
We could spend a lifetime trying to break out of these cycles that we find ourselves in. Many just give in to the lies that this language continually whispers into our subconscious thoughts.
How can you become a Winner?
We all want to win! We all want to be champions! We all want to be successful! What is the language of champions, of winners? The Language of Winners is the language of Abundance! This new language focuses on the positive, possible, and challenging ideas of your dreams. It lifts you above the old thoughts of weakness and failure. It is the language of MORE!
What MORE do you want in your life? Would you be willing to try an experiment?
This is so powerful! It's amazing the messages we send to ourselves and others without consciously realizing the impact and significance in our everyday though processes. I am willing to accept the challenge!